Little Baby {O}

When this little guys mom sent me an email, I as pretty excited to meet them all. Mom relayed the birth story as follows, "The day before Owen was born I had noticed that I had started getting headaches more frequently. I had checked my blood pressure that night and it was higher than normal; once I rechecked it, it was back down though. The next morning, January 16th, my blood pressure was still normal but I was still getting headaches. I also had started getting sporadic contractions and I felt that I couldn't feel him move as much. We decided to go to labor & delivery just to make sure everything was okay. We arrived there at 11:30 AM, were told that we would deliver at 12:30 PM, and I was supposed to be at a shower at 1 PM. Needless to say, we didn't make it to the shower! Our little Owen arrived at 10:45 that night after some complications. He was a little guy only weighing 5lbs 5oz but did excellent arriving 2 1/2 weeks early!" 

And he was such a tiny little guy and so precious. He is the smallest baby I have ever photographed, I think. I loved watching mom and dad interact with him the whole time. Its fun to watch brand new parents, almost as much as it is to watch a brand new baby. There is just so much newness in one little place, and I love it!

Katie VanDyke

South East Idaho Photographer

Sam & Kelsee {Brigham City Utah Temple Wedding}


Noble Family { Farm Family Photo Session)